How to employ citizens from outside the EU


Residence permit

A residence permit (permesso di soggiorno in Italian) authorises non-EU citizens to be in Italy and proves they have not entered the country illegally.It is the starting point for applying for permission to reside in the country for medium to long periods of time. Non-EU citizens who plan to live in Italy for more than three months must apply for a residence permit.

Study permit

This permit is granted for one year at the most. The permit can be renewed every year if the study programme lasts more than a year. In the case of students enrolled in universities, the permit is renewed if students enrolled in the first year pass at least one exam or, in the case of students enrolled in other years, no fewer than two.However, in the case of force majeure events or for health reasons, students can have their study permit renewed even if they pass one exam, on condition that the appropriate documents supporting their case are provided. The permit can be renewed if students need to complete their specialisation or if they enrol in a PhD course, for the entire duration of the course.

If a job is offered

If candidates are offered a job and have a study permit, they can work for up to 20 hours per week (including hours from different jobs) for fifty-two weeks, up to 1,040 hours per year. This limit does not apply in the case of apprenticeships, as apprenticeships are training activities and not employment. The study permit can be turned into work permit for salaried employment or self-employment during the study period as part of the immigration quota. A study permit can be turned into a work permit for salaried employment and self-employment after obtaining a degree or post-graduate academic title in Italy, regardless of the immigration quota established in the flows decree.

The modification must be requested before the expiry of the study permit and before taking out the work permit contract as long as the right conditions are met. Applications must be made at the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione (Unified Immigration Desk). Please remember that to start a post-graduate apprenticeship, the apprentice must have a valid residence permit.


Non-EU students who have obtained their three-year degree and/or specialisation degree, a level 1 or 2 master’s degree or a PhD, will be able to convert their study permit into a one-year residence permit while awaiting employment. Before doing so, they must register in the jobseeker’s list of the Centro per l’Impiego (Job Centre) in the city they live in. This permit can be changed (during its year of validity) into a residence permit with a right to work.

Can I offer an internship to a non-EU graduate/graduating student?

Yes! A non-EU candidate can enrol in an internship before or after graduating (according to the conditions described here:INTERNSHIP), but only if their study permit is still valid.Please remember that an internship is not considered employment, so the 20-hours-per week limit that applies to employment contracts does not apply here.

Useful links

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